INTRO: Your Body Speaks
Body language has a huge impact on communication. Learn how to make sure you are communicating what you intend to be communicating with your body. To be believed, your body language needs to be congruent with your message. Unconscious habits and movement can detract from your credibility.
Part A: Impact of Body Language
Part B: Effective Body Language
Part C: Presence and Listening Skills
As a former performer, this is one of my favorite things to work on with clients. I have witnessed that strong & open body language can have a direct impact on how a speaker is perceived. Nonverbal communications is the secret sauce that tells your listeners you are confident and trustworthy. Getting a handle on this skillset now will come with great rewards!
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FIRST Lesson: Impact of Body Language
Click on this link to the first lesson:
MOD 5 Part A Impact of Body Language
Go to the Curriculum Tab, and select MOD 5 Part A
Important NOTE:
If you bought this Module as a standalone, go to the Welcome Module right NOW. It is FREE! Click here:
It kicks off with a nice introductary Video to the Course and an overview of Presentation Skills. Jean talks about doing both the Inner Work and Outer Work to be your best self as a presenter. What beliefs and attitudes do you have that support you in getting better? What skills do you need to communicate better?
The Welcome Module is also a good place to find descriptions of each of the Modules in the Full Course. This can be handy for deciding if you are ready to buy the Full Course.
In addition, there is a fillable PDF Assessment Form for you there!
The first step to improvement, is to know what you want to change. Use this Assessment to rate your current approach to Communications skills, and get some clarity on where you want to grow. It is great to do this Assessment before and after, so you can see how far you have grown.